====== Balance & Bank: ======
===== Ticker Check Interval: =====
Ticker Check Interval sets the delay between each Bank Monitor check.\\
Bank Monitor checks if holded funds can be sold for profit.\\
Only USDT, ETH and BTC banks are sold based on this setting.\\
Interval is in milliseconds.Default value is 45000 (45 seconds).
**OPTION:** Ticker_Check_Interval
**ACCEPTED VALUE:** Numeric(0-4,294,967,295)
===== Dynamic Start Balance: =====
**DynamicStartBalance set to false:**
When DSB is set to false the bot will look only for arbitrages that matches your BalancePerTrade value.
If the is arbitrage occurrence is for smaller amount than your BalancePerTrade it will be ignored.
**DynamicStartBalance set to true:**
When DSB is set to true the bot will treat your BalancePerTrade value as max balance per trade.
If there is arbitrage occurence for any amount smaller than your BalancePerTrade trades will be executed.
How is the BalancePerTrade per trade calculated if DSB is set to true ?**
Without DSB activated the bot checks if:\\
the available volume is higher than BalancePerTrade * PairX_Volume_Multiplier
If DSB is set to true the bot calculates the balance per trade like that:\\
BalancePerTrade = Available volume / PairX_Volume_Multiplier
**OPTION:** DynamicStartBalance
**ACCEPTED VALUE:** Boolean(true/false)
===== Balance Per Trade: =====
Amount that the bot will use for each trade.
When DSB is set to true, Balance Per Trade value becomes MAX Balance Per Trade.
**OPTION:** BalancePerTrade
===== Base Currency: =====
Specify which base currency you want to use.
Available options are: **BTC**, **ETH**, **USDT**